mercoledì 14 aprile 2021

New CO*DEs

Hello! How are you? I'm in a really good mood :D My gyaru card challenge got a positive reaction and I'm really looking forward for the next one! I already wrote another 2 down which are actual challenges (you'll see) and I want to work on another q&a! But we'll see, let's finish those two and then move on to the next XD
Anyway I wanted to share my last co*des! The first one is from Sunday, I went to my parents for lunch and I tried a more himekaji look~ 
Dress, cardi: - Bag: MA*RS
Shoes: offbrand, customized with aliexpress shoes clips
Acce: aliexpress, 1$ store

Also my co*de from yesterday, I don't know if it really looks gyaru but I like it XD

Hat, scarf: H&M - Knit: Bershka - Skirt: AMISU - Bag: MA*RS
Boots: Local Shop - Acce: Disney, 1$ store, aliexpress 

 I think it would've looked better with a VW big pendant necklace instead of the Mickey one... mmmh I'll try to get it
Btw I'm wearing the smiley ring that I got from Aliexpress and that I was waiting since 3 months XD
It's already my favorite ring now! If you want one click here

For last today's co*de, quite simple but I woke up late this morning ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ

Sweater: MA*RS - Pants: - Boots: Local Shop
Acce: aliexpress flowers hairties, Flea Market necklace, Roxy watch

Lately I'm watching a lot of YouTube channels! In particular I'm obsessed with Nami のくらし  and Imamu room, they're my comfort channels now and I really want to cook a lot of good&healthy food like them but I don't really have time so I'm just eating a lot of "fancy" ramen this week XD
Well, it's not anything elaborate but still good

Another boom of mine XD I found this game on the Google Play Store and GOD IT'S SO CUTE!! I'm totally addicted now *-* it's called "Cat Spa" and it's still in development but it's perfectly playable! It's a spa for cats run by cats (lol) with a lot of mini characters! It reminds me a lot of Neko Atsume :D it's not a pay2win btw, more like and "ad2win" XD I mean you have to watch 30 seconds AD videos to get free extra money and trust me, you'll end up watching a lot XD but they're quite short, you don't really need it (it's just a boost) and it's so relaxing =v= the music is soft and everything is so cute nnnngh AAAAAA I'M DYING OF CUTENESS LOOK AT THE SCREENSHOTS
Look at those tiny cats TAT cuteeeee 
Anyway now I really have to go back to work XD see you next post and have a great week! 

3 commenti:

  1. Did I already tell ya how much I love your coords??? they inspire me so much <3

    1. Omg thank you so much T___T It really flatters me TuT <3 thanks for reading!

  2. I love your looks! So inspiring! Also that food looks so tasty!!!
