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Visualizzazione post con etichetta glad news. Mostra tutti i post

martedì 31 ottobre 2023

Happy Halloween! October Rokku CO*DEs


Happy Halloween! It's been a while lol

 I'm con-crunching like crazyyyy

but I'm finally done yay ᕦ(•̀_•́)ᕤ now I have a bit of time to blog XD so I want to catch up with some fits from this month!

 First is the one from this saturday :D I finally met up with Simo & Dom to decide the last details of our Lucca trip (which is this wednesday)

So we met up in Bari and I went rokku as I do every October ww

Hat: Periphery merch - Tank Top: Glad News - Cross Necklace: tutuHA - Hoodie: SheIn - Belt, Legwarmers: d.i.a - Shoes, shorts, stockings, other acce: Local shops


The days are getting shorter :( I arrived at 6pm and it was already dark sigh

We checked a tea shop that had new japanese stuff

Got boba, snacks and then when Dom finally finished work we went to have cocktails and talk ww

I had a relaxing evening after so many days of crafting :') I totally needed it


Since I didn't have time to post before, here's my other fits from this month! Not every fit, just the most interesting & halloween-ish www

Hat: CO&LU - Tshirt: Gilfy - Belt: d.i.a - All the rest: thrifted

Dress: Glad News - Necklace: d.i.a - Boots: thrifted
Shirt: Pumpkin - Top: Skinny Lip - Hat: H&M - Acce, pants, boots: thrifted

Dress: bought from my dear Ranzuka - Necklace: Galeo - Top: Skinny Lip - Hat: H&M - Boots: Local shop

I also got my fall haul from Japan! I don't have time to make a post about it, I'm gonna do it when I'm back cuz I got so many nice things that I need to show you!!!

Now my friends are coming to my house to sleep over and tomorrow we're leaving for Lucca!

I'm so excited, I can't believe it's time already Σ(°△° )

I hope to blog soon ꉂ (ˊᗜˋ* )ʱªʱªʱª

( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ
Yours, Natsumin~

mercoledì 20 aprile 2016


Hi guys, that's me blogging again LOL
How are you? I'm broke again XD
Having a job isn't a good thing if you're a shopaholic like me...
Anyway do you wanna see what I bought?? 


Ok I promised myself I wouldn't use Celga service again, since last time they charged me too much for shipping... but I couldn't resist and give their service another chance XD

MARS shoes

MARS set up
Lovely Chira has the same <3

d.i.a tops
I couldn't make up my mind on colours so I took both
Anyway they were 1450yen each so I guess it's okay

MARS Lace Stockings
Only 650yen LOL so lucky!

I had a Taobao order open (needed cosplays) so I took the chance and shopped lol

MARS bag with pouchette
Paid only 100.00yuan
MARS leopard bag
Wanted it since ages, paid only 60.00yuan LOL
MARS dress
I love it <3 paid about 170.00yuan
They were deals, so I totally need to buy them. I swear.


It's a Storenvy shop. Paid a little too much but they were wishes since ages!

Stella dress

GOLDS Infinity dress with matching garter

GOLDS Infinity dress with matching choker
and... anorexic garter or hairtie, I still have to find out lol


No excuses. I probably have a problem.

Skinny Lip basic tops
Bought on sale, paid about 2000yen for both

Diable Baiser dress

d.i.a summer tops

MARS leopard top
A wish since 3 years lol

GLAD NEWS sweater
Sakurina has the saaaaame!!

Aliexpress accessories

d.i.a hoodie
Actually I'm thinking about selling it since I found a similar one in my fukubukuro ç_ç

DreamV bag

I have to say to defend myself that actually it's all the shopping I made since September ><
So maybe that isn't too much, isn't it?
(but I didn't show you my crazy March order, about 20 pieces bought on auctions 8D it's another story, another blogpost) 
Soooooo now I'm trying to NOT SHOP with all my strenght sob It's a cruel world. Why doesn't it rain money.
That's all for today (and for my wallet I hope)

domenica 6 aprile 2014

My Gyaru Wardrobe

Hi there! Long time since my last update, today I'll make a big post showing you my gyaru wardrobe!
I have chosen only gyaru brands items to avoid a too long post full of offbrand items. Maybe I'll do another post about my offbrand gyaru clothes... I'll see. Anyway I'll show a couple of items that I use almost only in my gyaru code.
Anyway, quit chat and let's start!

My Gyaru Wardrobe

Tops - Shirts, tees, tank tops etc

Every shirt is from d.i.a

From Left: Ghost of Harlem - GLAD NEWS - GLAD NEWS - TutuHA replica

From Left: - GLAD NEWS replica - Dig Deep

From Left: GARULA replica - Hard Candy - CECIL McBEE - Skinny Lip

Left: Bershka - All the rest is d.i.a

Everything from d.i.a (grey sweater is a replica)

Tutuha replica

Everything is from GOLDS Infinity except the peplum black x peach top (DreamV)

Left: Pumpkin - All the rest is MA*RS
Black Bra: Tally Weijl - Pink bra: MA*RS 

Bottoms - Skirts, shorts, pants

Upper row, from left: A-Devil - d.i.a - MA*RS
Middle row, from left: d.i.a - GOLDS Infinity - MA*RS
Lower row, from left: GARULA - BABYDOLL

Skinny Lip

Joujou Royale (Bought from Petite Egoist Shop)

From Left: Snidel - Tally Weijl


From Left: GOLDS Infinity - gift - d.i.a

From Left: Ghost of Harlem - GOLDS Infinity - d.i.a

Lip Service

Outers - Coats, hoodies, cardigans etc

From Left: GLAD NEWS - d.i.a - Terranova

From Left: Lip Service - Rienda

From Left: H&M Chanel replica - GOLDS Infinity

From Left: DreamV - Tralala

Bonus: Belts & Hats

Upper row, from left: d.i.a - gift
Lower row, from middle-left: - d.i.a - TutuHA replica

Up: d.i.a - Middle: diable baiser - Low: diable baiser

That's all! Which item is your favourite?

See you soon,