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Visualizzazione post con etichetta recipes. Mostra tutti i post

mercoledì 1 settembre 2021

Cooking Day

How are you? Today I'm not feeling well cuz yesterday I had my second shot of vaccine... I feel like I've caught a cold, my arm hurts and I want to rest
So I took a morning off, sorry not sorry www
I slept a bit more but I woke up after a hour so I decided to take my time to cook myself something good today

First thing I did were those pancakes without milk! I wanted a sweet snack but I didn't have enough milk or butter, so I did those pancakes with 70gr of flour, 40gr of sugar, 1 egg, 60ml of warm water, 1/2 packet of baking powder, 1 teaspoon of honey, vanilla extract and dark chocolate chips :3 
They're ugly XD cuz my pan was too big but they were really good :Q_ 

Second thing was my lunch :D baked gnocchi! You only need to cook the sauce (400ml of tomato sauce + 1/4 of minced onion + salt&pepper), then boil the gnocchi in salted water for just 1minute (when they come to the water surface, they're ready): after that take a baking tray and spread a layer of sauce; spread the drained gnocchi on the sauce, sprinkle with mozzarella and ham cubes, spread the remaining sauce, sprinkle with parmisan and then bake in the oven for 5 minutes at 220°
Wait before eating cuz it's hot like volcanic lava XD

I swear it's one of the most good things you'll ever eat :Q___
Also my mom stopped by to leave me some coffee I needed and her gift from her vacation in Turin
A Bastet keychain and some Leone dark chocolate *A*

In the afternoon I felt a bit better so I went to work, my co*de was inspired by the trends from my August EGG post:

トップ: Lip Service
ベスト: one spo
スカート: Cecil McBee
付属品: Aliexpress
Now I'm back home and I decided to bake a cake XD

It's a "Stracciatella" cake, it means that it's a whipped cream cake with chocolate chips :D I used this recipe here -> LINK
I f*cked up the decoration but the smell is really good :D

 Well that's all for today :D Now I'm gonna finish editing the pics from my second vacation so I can hopefully post soon and move on XD
See you next post and take care

Yours, Natsumin~