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Visualizzazione post con etichetta newrock. Mostra tutti i post

giovedì 9 dicembre 2021

December First CO*DEs

How are you? Rn I'm freezing I totally can't handle the cold
It's december and my body is not ready for this  
Anyway as usual I have some co*des I didn't post (looks like it's not for me to be consistent in taking pics and blogging lol sorry actually I'm not a selfie girl), I don't have pics for everyday co*des but I saved the cutest ones (imho)
Which one do you like the most?

Sweater: H&M - Velvet turtleneck: Aliexpress - Belt: d.i.a - Pants: D-Stiag

Dress: Vinted - Top: Candida - Belt: Ma*rs - 
Acce: 1$store, Chanel replica, handmade by me

I can't remember anymore when I wore this but I wore my new christmas nails for the first time :D aren't they cute???

Dress: Gilfy - Top: Colza - Acce: tutuHA, Aliexpress - Shoes: New Rock


Oh I remember this! XD I wore it on Saturday when me and S. had our usual date we went to do some shopping and take coffee 
The whole city is getting decorated for Christmas and I'm so exciteeeeed

After I wasted enough money XD we went to the nearest coffee shop and had our coffee with some snacks

They had such yummy cakes

I couldn't resist and even if I already had a chocolate one I bought a
red fruits one  to eat at home

I bought some makeup and new skin care products, I'll tell you soon if they're good or not :D

Since we're there we went to our usual asian shop to get groceries cuz I ran out of almost everything

If you're wondering, there are ramen, panko (S. is almost addicted to it lmao), dark miso, dashi, mirin and curry paste
Sunday co*de for lunch with my family
Sweater: WC - Cardi: - Skirt: Terranova - 
Necklace: handmade by me

Wednesday co*de for meeting my friends 
Sweater: WC - Skirt: Hollister - Vest: Flea Market - 
Necklace: handmade by me

Today's co*de
Sweater, skirt: Ma*rs - Cardi: DATURA - Acce: 1$store, handmade by me

For now it's all, sorry if I'm not that original but winter never inspires me XD
Anyway I'll go eat something, see you next post and take care!

Yours, Natsumin~ 

domenica 21 marzo 2021

Amekaji Disney + Rokku coords + New Nails&Gets

How are you? Here in Italy the situation is not so good, we're in total lockdown until 5th of April (and we don't know if the 5th it will be lifted), so I'm at home again lol
Actually I'm not at home everyday, we had to take shifts for the second time
But since Friday it was my shift and we were closed to public I could dress as I wanted, yay! XD

Vest: Oysho - Sweater: Disney - Skirt: Cecil McBee
Boots: UGG (?) - Hat: Gilfy - Bag, necklace: Roxy - Acce: 1$ store, Flea Market, handmade by me
OMG I'm so happy I worn it!! Clothing always had a "therapeutic" effect on me, I always thought yellow looked horrible on me, but now I love it!! It makes me feel spring and makes me happy ;w;
On my way to work I stopped for a takeaway breakfast in a cafè near my office, and look! They had yellow easter donuts!!

Ok I'm stupid I know but I LOVE that it matched my coord XD 
it was also so good :Q__
(Sorry for the ugly selfies but I forgot to disable the alien filter and I was too lazy to redo them LMAO)

Also those tiny pastel stars are life 

I got new nails stickers again! XD This time it isn't my fault, a friend didn't want them anymore so she gave them to me lolol I'm a lucky gal

Those perfume bottles are so cute ;_____; I'm so happy, I want to do a nail art with them but I need more nail polishes
Actually I have A LOT of polishes but they still are at my parents's house^^" with a lot of my stuff lol
So now I only have like 6 nail polishes XD and I never manage to get my old ones because of lockdown LMAO
And I have to do my nails again cuz I ruined them AGAIN XD
So guess what? XD I made my nails pink again LMAO
This time I took inspiration from those nails:

And this is what I made!

Sorry for my ugly hands XD but I like the result! 
I hope they last longer this time 🙏

I also tried panko! I marinated some chicken breast in soy sauce, sweet paprika and honey, breaded it with egg and panko and fried. God I love it xD when the lockdown is over again I'm gonna buy a million bags of panko ahahahah it's really different from usual italian breadcrumbs, more light and crunchy :Q__
On Saturday I went out for a bit to collect some parcels and buy some groceries 
I was still in a Disney mood so I worn the hat I bought from Georgie💕

Hat: Disneyland Paris - Top: Disney - Shorts: Tralala - Hoodie: St. Diego 
Boots UGG(?) - Acce: Roxy, Disney, 1$ store


Rosebud rokku tee

H&M pois skirt

Roxy Sweater

God I swear I love this sweater I have already a lot of ideas, I can't wait to wear it ;w;

An example:
White fur hat for my collection LMAO

While I'm here I'm also posting my coord for today, I just went out 5 minutes to get cigarettes lol but I wanted to try my new Alcott coat! I was inspired by old Rokku style Sakurina

Coat: Alcott - Top: Ghost of Harlem - Skirt: Phard 
Boots: New Rock - Acce: Galeo, 1$ store

I really love those boots💕

Ok that's all for now ^^ I'm gonna make myself some hot coffee now cuz it's really cold here today T_T where is my spriiiiiiiingggg
See you soon