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Visualizzazione post con etichetta beach. Mostra tutti i post

martedì 3 ottobre 2023

Summer Memories Recap


This saturday there's the first comicon of this fall and this end of the month is Halloween

Summer is really ending and I don't wanna (well actually it ended past saturday...)

It's not over until I say it's overrrr

 So before it, here's the best of this summer w


 I hosted my bff Simo for a week and it was super funny as always XD

I had my birthday party and it was a blast XD


I finally wore my yukata

 And I was a kyabajo for a day

 I went in Rome and saw my bff Narya again

I saw the Alice in Wonderland light show

And I discovered a new crab species wwwww

 I went to beach A LOT

And tanned a lot XD

(Maybe too much lol)

And sometimes I got drunk XD

 But mostly I spent a lot of time with my friends and made some beautiful memories

 Thank you summer, see you next year!


Now I can't wait for autumn to really come (since it's still 27° here x_x)

It's time for new adventures <3 (and new outfitssss)

I hope you had a great summer too <3

Yours, Natsumin~

venerdì 22 settembre 2023

Vacanze Romane


It's almost weekend but tomorrow summer officially ends TAT I don't wanna

Before it ends I still have something to blog about: my summer vacation in Rome!

I had to wake up at sunrise to catch the train cuz it was gonna be a 5h trip w
thankfully I had my fav coffee with me to make it easier XD

Finally after 5h and a half (thank u Trenitalia) I reached Romaaaa

My bff Narya and his bf Lorenzo came to pick me up and finally I could see them after a year!! TAT I was in tears cuz I missed her so much

And I also saw my grandchildren again!! T____T Baby Ahsoka:

And big brother Zero:

Since I arrived around lunch time we went to eat and catch up on personal stuff, then we went to their place to left my luggage and rest a bit

In the evening since they actually live in Ostia (which is a Rome seaside district) me and Narya went to take a walk on the beach, talking and taking pictures (me and Narya share a passion for photography)

I was super tired so we didn't do anything special beside this, we also went to bed early cuz the day after was beach day :D

And as promised, BEACH TIIIIME

Ostia beach was super lovely! It was super clear and cold, and we saw a lot of fish w

We had cocktails on the beaaach

We stayed on the beach until late, then got pizza at home

After dinner we had a walk for Ostia and I saw a One Piece inspired restaurant!! It's called Osteria Toscanelli, it's not really OP themed but it's a seafood restaurant so they decided to decorate it with OP and specially Sanji designs wwww

The day after we woke up early again


Wearing my Backs bikiniiii

We went to Kursal pool and I loved it!!

Super big and kakkoi

You could also see the sea from the pool cuz it's builded over the sea level *0*

So cool I swear! The "K" logo was also the trampoline spot

They also got sponsored by Grey Goose vodka so they had a giant vodka bottle statue at the entrance XDDDD I NEED IT IN MY LIVING ROOM


After pool we went to see the Alice in Wonderland exhibit! It was a light show with big statues, actors, shows, stalls etc it was so cool and interesting!!

Giant holo ball in the middle of the lake

The show view from the other side of the lake

And the installations:

Lights effect in the waterfall on the lake

Those flowers were so prettyyy

 What we mean when we say to go outside touching grass lol


I can't put in words how much COOL this exhibit was

We even find a "magic mirror" labyrinth!!

Shorties wwww
Ginew squad
Shortened shortie
Even lower shorties
Who r u callin pinhead gnomes


Then we found a bar so we had cocktails

 Checked out the last part of the exhibit

And left :')

Thank you so much Narya for taking me to this exhibit ;w;
We went home super late and also super tired w

The third day was beach day again XD

My friends really love me to go to the beach all those days w

I love Ostia beach so muchhhh

We had poke on the beach :D

And took a bath in this sea that was like a dream

I tanned a lot lol

In the evening there was a small food fair so we went to check it out

So much food *0* I was in heaven XD

But since I was in Rome I HAD to get some local food XD

Carbonara (upper half) + Cacio & Pepe (lower half) pasta

Somehow there was a food truck from my region?? XD So we had a cultural exchange www while I ate roman pasta, Lorenzo had "bombette", which is like a meatball rolled up in bacon, typical from my region XDDD


After the fair we went to have drinks at Barone, a super cool pub with a vintage theme

Their super cool business cards, shaped like old theater tickets!!
Menus printed as old newspapers
And a beautiful tea collection

Sadly the day after I had to leave in the afternoon TAT we went to have breakfast on the beach


Took one last stroll along Ostia city center

where I saw my lost twin:

And then I had to leave T_T bye Ostia, I enjoyed you so much


But before leaving I had to take a look at their Victoria's Secret XD

And I got myself a little something XD

Super cute keychain with perfume charm *0* everything else was too expensive for me XD

Got lunch, said goodbye to my bff ç_ç and took the train

I was super sad to leave T_T I already miss her so much... at least I'm gonna see her again in 2 weeks ww XD

After another 5 hours eating yakisoba and playing Digimon (my new obsession w) my vacation officially ended and I could die in my bed XD
I'm always so happy when I can see Narya ;_; I wish we were closer... but I guess I'm lucky enough that she isn't in another country wwwww

And that's all for today XD gtg now w see u soon!

Yours, Natsumin~