lunedì 14 giugno 2021



Actually I'm kinda angry this morning cuz I got some unexpected expenses all together  the bear sticker doesn't really match my mood www

Anyway how are you? Hope you had a good weekend! Mine was a bit exhausting, my legs still hurt xD as always I had a lot of chores to do, but also I wanted to go to the flea market (even if I kinda regret it now lol), had an appointment with the hairdresser, did the Egg issue post, run to the doctor for my pet, fought with my internet service cuz I paid and they don't recognize it and more x_x and now I'm already going back to work 

But I don't want to complain, let's just talk about nice things www
As I said on Saturday I went to the Flea Market after a while! I spent only 20€ and got so many things that go with my latest trends
also I went to the post office to collect a couple of Vinted parcels, I went back home with 4 full bags lmao since it's a lot of stuff I'll show you everything in a separate post, but here's my co*de for that morning 

Top: Disney - Tank top: Terranova - Skirt, platforms: H&M - Acce: 1$Store

♡Accessories Details
In the afternoon I went to the hairdresser and got my hair dyed! But it costed the double than the last time T_T... I should've asked for a price quote, I don't know what we did different (last time I spent 50€ for haircut + dye, this time for just dye about 80€ I want to die )
This technique sure is strange wwww
This is the final result:
I love it! I'm so happy I'm not dark brown anymore XD and finally I feel gyaru www
My co*de for that afternoon:

Cardi, tank top: d.i.a - Skirt: Amisu - Necklace: Galeo

On Sunday I tried to relax a bit, I did the laundry, cleaning etc then in the afternoon I wanted to blog about the June Egg issue but also tanning so I took my laptop on my building's terrace www

My spot www under the canopy so my laptop won't burn in the heat
With matcha pocky and coffee mug

My bikini :
It's a bikini from the Flea Market that I customized with a diamond brooch part that I had to make it look more Rady style www

It was so beautiful to write with this amazing blue sky over my head and silence all around, it was very quiet since it was the first hours of afternoon (in South Italy most people rest in the first afternoon, that's why you almost hear no sounds between 3-5 PM www)

Sun blinded lol

I should stop using this filter but I love how I look wwww

It was nice, the only problem was that maybe I sat in the shadow too long cuz I didn't tan at all T_T I'm still white as snow whyyyyyy
So disappointed
Anyway after that I just went to get an iced coffee and back home again, cuz I still had a lot of chores to finish x_x but it was a nice weekend btw💕

Creamy iced coffee with milk! In italy it's called "Espressino freddo", it's like a soft creamy coffee icecream, I love it💕
Also I started working for rae_melodyy's Crafting Challenge!! Who else is joining??? The sewing part will be hard for me but still I'm looking forward for it *_*/

Now I'll end this here and go back to work XD

Probably gonna blog again this evening or tomorrow, I don't know

See you soon and take care!

Yours, Natsumin~  

2 commenti:

  1. AAAAH YOUR HAIR!!!!!! I love it so so much but boy that is expensive omg @_@ I love love love your mickey mouse coords <33333

    I cannot wait to see your gets!

  2. Your hair is so pretty! But ouch that price. ;_; I know that feel cause my hair was long and thick. But it could just be most places are trying to make up for when they had to be closed for the pandemic...that's the only thing I can think of. I want to get mine pro-dyed too...I want to be super blonde with colors!

    Also love your bikini set. That's a great idea to dress them up!♥
