martedì 3 ottobre 2023

Summer Memories Recap


This saturday there's the first comicon of this fall and this end of the month is Halloween

Summer is really ending and I don't wanna (well actually it ended past saturday...)

It's not over until I say it's overrrr

 So before it, here's the best of this summer w


 I hosted my bff Simo for a week and it was super funny as always XD

I had my birthday party and it was a blast XD


I finally wore my yukata

 And I was a kyabajo for a day

 I went in Rome and saw my bff Narya again

I saw the Alice in Wonderland light show

And I discovered a new crab species wwwww

 I went to beach A LOT

And tanned a lot XD

(Maybe too much lol)

And sometimes I got drunk XD

 But mostly I spent a lot of time with my friends and made some beautiful memories

 Thank you summer, see you next year!


Now I can't wait for autumn to really come (since it's still 27° here x_x)

It's time for new adventures <3 (and new outfitssss)

I hope you had a great summer too <3

Yours, Natsumin~

4 commenti:

  1. Whaaaaat ? ( ؕؔʘ̥̥̥̥ ه ؔؕʘ̥̥̥̥ )?
    Summer is over?! ....
    haha - jk
    yes, here in Germany it is really cold in the evenings. I've had to wear tights almost every day for a week or two. I miss summer already. (I'm also really a frostbite)
    This is a really nice review. You look adorable in the yukata!
    Also seems you had a good time.
    um... could it be that I forgot to congratulate you?!?!?! (✖╭╮✖) waaaaaahhh nooooo .... How dare me? omg ...
    I hope you had a wonderful, super great, mega birthday!
    mark it in my calendar, so I can't forget it next time ... ( ˃̣̣̥﹏˂̣̣̥ ✿)
    luv ya cutie ♥

    1. Ahahahah thank you so much sweetie <3 actually I think you congratulate me on my birthday day on IG XDDDD but thank you again <3 <3
      and yeah it was a great summer :D it only missed a gal meet :')
      luv ya 2 <3

  2. The Kyaba pics made my heart swoon~ (´ ε ` )♡ also "summer's not over until I say so" SUCH a mood xD lol but fall is my favorite season, it just doesn't last long where I'm from :((
    - Amiman♥

    1. XD wwww I play favorites with seasons and I'm not ashamed XDDD I love middle season (fall/spring) but they're so short here too T_T I have only a month before the winter cold so I'm rushing to make as many fall fits as I can wwwww
      Thank you for reading everytime XD<3
