lunedì 11 aprile 2022

Weekend CO*DEs #4

How are you? I'm kinda stuck in posting every 2 weeks now ;_;
Actually I have a lot to blog about (*coff coff* like my winter mercari order and my last flea market hunt *coff coff*) but I'm working a lot and I usually end my shift after 9pm, at that point I'm so tired that I just wanna die on the couch lol
Anywayyy I wanted to show you some new co*des! This weekend finally my bf and me had the same resting days (THANKS GOODNESS cuz we literally didn't see each other for 10 days wtf) so we wanted to have lunch together and do some shopping (aka buying moar videogames) BUT we had a lot of troubles so we ended up just having dinner together :')

Dress: Golds Infinity
 Acce: Aliexpress, OVS, made by me

Makeup pics

For some reason after dinner I got sick and I had to go to sleep and end it here... Not my luckiest day for sure XD

On Sunday we tried to do what we couldn't on Saturday XD we had lunch together and did shopping, yay XD I wanted to buy a new game but I ended up with more skin care products and snacks lol

Setup, belt:
Accessories: d.i.a choker, Aliexpress bracelet, OVS rings

We also had bubble teaaaaa (or more exactly I had a bubble tea while my bf judged me cuz he dislikes whatever drink is not water XDDDD)

The tea was really good but I still hate the tapioca pearls loool XD next time I want to try it without pearls and with coconut milk, more in my style XD

The conbini had new Pokemon & Sailor Moon drinks *0*!! I can't wait to try them (they're exclusive for my gaming nights, so I don't try them right away XD)
(yeah, I know, I spoil myself a lot. But also I'm the only one doing it soooooo ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌)
Also got the Pokemon candies they were spamming on their sns www
And some Oreo refill for my addiction XD and moar teriyaki sauce cuz I made chicken rice this week and the lack of sauce made me feel like an abandoned child

Yes, I got the retinol eyecream XDDD the face cream is giving results, not that I expect to become a teenager again w, but I feel my skin more firm now!
Also got a new peeling serum (which use is recommanded after retinol products), a new moisturizer (it's mattyfing and it works!!), eyemasks and my usual tonic (Pixi )
 I'm so in love with my routine now, that I'm thinking of making a new skincare post with some reviews and recommandations, would anyone be interested?
Speaking of it, I'm gonna finish my night skincare now and cook dinner XD
See you next post and take care!

Yours, Natsumin~

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