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Visualizzazione post con etichetta sakurina. Mostra tutti i post

mercoledì 19 luglio 2023

Parcel from Emimi💕

Somedays ago I picked up my parcel from Emimi ~ Actually I bought this on June I think but it took a while to reach me ^^" But I can't be more happy cuz this is really the parcel of wonderland for me!!

My order!! 
Ok first of all it's really aesthetic ww the perfect anegyaru haul XD but I love every single item cuz EVERYTHING was in my wishlist since years!!

First thing is this super cool black maxi dress! I wanted it since so long *A* I'm in love with the print, reminds me of old Delyle Noir prints!!
Chrome hearts replica necklace, she was so sweet to add the Chanel pendant she made and this beautiful Chanel camelia ring TAT
The main thing I bought: Chanel wallet+keyholder set! *A* and it's real! I was after this since a while and once I saw Emimi get rid of it I was like YES PLEASE XD

Since I already had the planner, now I have a "complete" set ;w; I'm so happyyyy
And the best part: she gave me also her Sakurina watch!!!! Another item I was searching since so long TAT!!!
One of the prettiest things I ever own, the details are stunning ;_;
Thank you so so much Emimi ;____; I'll never be grateful enough!!
I already worn most of this stuff but I'll show you next post XD
Yours, Natsumin~

sabato 22 gennaio 2022


I should've posted this tomorrow but I can't wait ww
I wanted to show you my co*de for today, I like it so much!! What do you think?
Dress: Cecil McBee - Hat: Vinted - Turtleneck, boots: Gothic-Vintage Shop - Acce: Aliexpress, Flea Market 
I was inspired by this look by Sakurina in Girl's Life and Georgiepiyo's looks


I'm totally in love with this type of hats!! I want more, especially one exactly like the one Sakurina had ;w;!!
I also have some pics of my makeup :D I changed it a bit this time!

I did a stronger contouring this time, and did the namidabukuro finally! It's really more heavy like this, but I like it :D
My upper lashes are Diamond Lash Angel Eye and bottom are my usual Aliexpress bottom lashes

My lipstick is a simple pink drugstore liptint and my Labello lipgloss

And that's all, now I should go to sleep cuz tomorrow we have another photoshoot :D
See you soon and take care!

Yours, Natsumin~

mercoledì 20 aprile 2016


Hi guys, that's me blogging again LOL
How are you? I'm broke again XD
Having a job isn't a good thing if you're a shopaholic like me...
Anyway do you wanna see what I bought?? 


Ok I promised myself I wouldn't use Celga service again, since last time they charged me too much for shipping... but I couldn't resist and give their service another chance XD

MARS shoes

MARS set up
Lovely Chira has the same <3

d.i.a tops
I couldn't make up my mind on colours so I took both
Anyway they were 1450yen each so I guess it's okay

MARS Lace Stockings
Only 650yen LOL so lucky!

I had a Taobao order open (needed cosplays) so I took the chance and shopped lol

MARS bag with pouchette
Paid only 100.00yuan
MARS leopard bag
Wanted it since ages, paid only 60.00yuan LOL
MARS dress
I love it <3 paid about 170.00yuan
They were deals, so I totally need to buy them. I swear.


It's a Storenvy shop. Paid a little too much but they were wishes since ages!

Stella dress

GOLDS Infinity dress with matching garter

GOLDS Infinity dress with matching choker
and... anorexic garter or hairtie, I still have to find out lol


No excuses. I probably have a problem.

Skinny Lip basic tops
Bought on sale, paid about 2000yen for both

Diable Baiser dress

d.i.a summer tops

MARS leopard top
A wish since 3 years lol

GLAD NEWS sweater
Sakurina has the saaaaame!!

Aliexpress accessories

d.i.a hoodie
Actually I'm thinking about selling it since I found a similar one in my fukubukuro ç_ç

DreamV bag

I have to say to defend myself that actually it's all the shopping I made since September ><
So maybe that isn't too much, isn't it?
(but I didn't show you my crazy March order, about 20 pieces bought on auctions 8D it's another story, another blogpost) 
Soooooo now I'm trying to NOT SHOP with all my strenght sob It's a cruel world. Why doesn't it rain money.
That's all for today (and for my wallet I hope)

domenica 24 marzo 2013

Japanese Gyaru Inspiration Post☆ + Outfits Bonus!

Hi gals! How are you?

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As you can see I've been quite fine LOL. I'm already studying for my last exams but I'm taking it easy now. So I've been relaxing more.. This is my usual afternoon break: coffee, green tea, cheesecake and SOUL SISTER! Don't worry, that cheesecake is made by me and is low-fat, since I'm still on diet XD
My diet should end on first days of May, I'll do a proper post when I'll be done. Until then it's a secret XD

Sooo I have a bad eye-allergy (argh) so I only have outfits pics, that I'll show in the end of this post. But I wanted to update so.. Time for inspiration post!
As I already said I like gaijin gyaru more, but I still have some japanese gyaru as inspiration!

Japanese Gyaru

DJ Minori

Her blog here. It seems I can't find so many infos about her. I only know that she models for SOUL SISTER  and that she's actually a DJ! I think she's so awesome and I love her haircut! She's totally the kind of gal I want to be.



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Hideka Tsunematsu

Her blog here. If I love a gyaru, you can be sure I won't find any info about her! XD Another mystery gal ahahah XD I don't even know if she models or works in a shop ;_;
I love her crazy style and feel! She looks so sexy, cute and explosive! Totally fascinating. She's my love only love, I totally would marry her ;_;

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Her blog here. Model for SOUL SISTER, one of most famous japanese gyaru! I love her hair, make up and most of her outfits (I don't like the elegant outfits she does sometimes, I'm totally not into that feel).
We also share the same love for CHANEL

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Her blog here. Rina Sakurai, who doesn't know her? She is a model for AGEHA, she has her own false lash brand (Fairy Lash), she was the main actress in GIRLS LIFE! I like her style but who drives me mad is her makeup. So beautiful and flawless! Totally inspiring.

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☆Kanako Kawabata☆

Her blog here. She's a model for EGG and also a DJ! (I discovered this just some days ago.. Whoops!) I like that she's so sparkling, colorful and looks happy no matter what! Just looking at her I want to smile too :D
So cute!
She was also my first inspiration when I started gyaru, so she has a very special place in my heart.

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Her blog here. She's a shopstaff in tutuHA. I love how she uses accessories (a lot, as I like) and her punk look!



 Ok, time to end this post (and go to bed, I have to wake up early tomorrow x,x). Before greetings, here's my latest two outfits!

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My d.i.a onepiece arrived, woo-hoo!

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Tights details

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After reading SOUL SISTER this outfit was all I could think about
See you soon cuties, have a good night♥