Happy Halloween! It's been a while lol
I'm con-crunching like crazyyyy
but I'm finally done yay ᕦ(•̀_•́)ᕤ now I have a bit of time to blog XD so I want to catch up with some fits from this month!
First is the one from this saturday :D I finally met up with Simo & Dom to decide the last details of our Lucca trip (which is this wednesday)
So we met up in Bari and I went rokku as I do every October ww
The days are getting shorter :( I arrived at 6pm and it was already dark sigh
We checked a tea shop that had new japanese stuff
I had a relaxing evening after so many days of crafting :') I totally needed it
Since I didn't have time to post before, here's my other fits from this month! Not every fit, just the most interesting & halloween-ish www
Hat: CO&LU - Tshirt: Gilfy - Belt: d.i.a - All the rest: thriftedDress: bought from my dear Ranzuka - Necklace: Galeo - Top: Skinny Lip - Hat: H&M - Boots: Local shop
I also got my fall haul from Japan! I don't have time to make a post about it, I'm gonna do it when I'm back cuz I got so many nice things that I need to show you!!!
Now my friends are coming to my house to sleep over and tomorrow we're leaving for Lucca!
I'm so excited, I can't believe it's time already Σ(°△° )
I hope to blog soon ꉂ (ˊᗜˋ* )ʱªʱªʱª