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Visualizzazione post con etichetta kurogal. Mostra tutti i post

lunedì 5 aprile 2021

d.i.a. co*des

 Happy Easter everybody! How are you? Did you have a good holiday?
 I'm quite upset cuz I didn't do anything XD here in Italy we have the tradition to go out for a big picnic/barbecue in the countryside on Easter Monday, but this year (as past year) we aren't allowed to go out, this lockdown is really killing me XD but it's for good, right?
Anyway I won't whine about this XD I'm still happy cuz on Saturday I collected (FINALLY XD) a lot of my belongings from my parents house ;w; 
I got back two big boxes of clothes, a bag of accessories and more other things! It was like Christmas (?) XD I got so much d.i.a clothing back that I got too excited and had to try some on
Top, necklace: Galeo - Belt, shorts: d.i.a
Shoes: Golds Infinity - Acce: 1$ store

Hoodie top, belt, shorts: d.i.a - Shoes: Golds Infinity
Acce: tutuHa choker, 1$ store bracelets and ring

Jacket: Golds Infinity - Top, bra, belt, shorts, necklace: d.i.a
Shoes: Local shop - Acce: 1$ store

Between all the stuff I got I also took back my old Rilakkuma box, I used it to storage false lashes and IT WAS STILL FULL OF LASHES XDDDD I forgot about it omg I'm so happy I didn't buy more ahahah I should really finish those before XD

 I also got back my MA*RS travel mug ;_; look how pretty it is I love it
And look what I also found! My old room needs some renovation works so I had to move out and box a lot of stuff, and some pearls from my old gyaru times reappeared XD like this Blue Moon Blue shirt!! I mean it's so perfect and I didn't remember it XD when did I buy it?? I don't know but rn it's perfect for my recent amekaji boom LMAO

Now I'm gonna finish my coffee and go back cleaning my house :) it's nice to do my chores calmly for once ahahah
I wish you a great week, see you soon!

domenica 14 marzo 2021

Weekly CO*DEs + VINTED gets

Hello! Finally a coord post after a while >< it's not all this week's outfits (I don't like how I look with pants XD) but those imho are the cutest ones!

[T h u r s d a y]
Dress: Flea Market - Belt: Princess Melody inspired made by me
Acce: Disney, Roxy, 1$ store - Shoes: offbrand, customized with aliexpress clips

[F r i d a y]

Shirt: H&M - Cardi: Chiptle - Acce: Disney, 1$ store
Skirt: Zara - Shoes: offbrand customized with aliexpress clips

I really love this kind of outfits ;w; This cardigan is so cute, I want to wear it everyday!
Also I'm obsessed with Mickey Mouse lately so I'm wearing the Mickey necklace I got on Monday, like, everyday lol
Also on Friday I collected more parcels from VINTED!

Banana Moon skirt
Banana Moon hibi skirt

It's soooo old school!! I love it and it was like 5€ or less ;w; I really recommend this brand if you're into oldschool style!

Another varsity hoodie cuz Chie is my obsession

Mini Disney haul (with the Mickey necklace I got before)

That bag is so small but it's so cute ;w; I'll probably use it for parties or disco so it's okay anyway

So on Friday I was supposed to see some friends so we decided to do a Disney movie night at my place cuz one of them haven't seen Coco (so disappointed S., I'm judging you XD) 
But in the end I hurt my back at work ;_; I don't know, maybe I lifted something in the wrong way
Anyway I didn't want to cancel the night so I took a medicine, and guess what?
It gave me a stomachache!! I can't believe it ;_; I always take that medicine when I have this kind of problem, why did it hurt me that way then??? Also it didn't work and my back still hurt 
In the end I had to cancel the night ;______; I was so sick I felt asleep at 22PM or something... (I woke up a lot of times but I was still very tired)
And I was planning to wear a Minnie Mouse inspired co*de ;__; such a shame sob

Anyway on Saturday I had my appointment with the hairdresser!! I didn't want to waste my Saturday too so I put on my back a healing patch and went to the appointment (thankfully the stomachache was gone)
[S a t u r d a y  M o r n i n g]

Hoodie: Juicy Couture - Skirt, Bag: MA*RS
Glasses: Playboy - Boots: UGG(?)

On the afternoon I went to meet the friends I was supposed to see on Friday (T^T) in the big city, where they live so I changed my outfit
I'm not posting pics with the new hair cuz it still doesn't look gal ^^" sorry, I'll probably get the result I want on the next appointment, we'll see ^^"
[S a t u r d a y N i g h t]

Dress, necklace, belt: d.i.a - Shoes: GOLDS Infinity
Bag, bra: MA*RS - Acce: 1$ store


I also took the chance to do some shopping for my kitchen XD sorry I love food ahahah also we'll probably be in another lockdown soon so I want to be prepared lmao

[ S u n d a y]

Hat, necklace: GILFY - Top: Benetton 
Vest: one spo - Belt: d.i.a - Skirt: Cecil McBee - Shoes: offbrand

And this is today's co*de! I took time to cook today, I made focaccia for example >w<

Ok I'll end it here and go eat XP see you soon and thanks for reading!