giovedì 19 gennaio 2023

Today's CO*DE + Shopping

I'm waiting for my dinner to cook so I have time to blog w
It's been a long week but it's almost over yay 😍 this Saturday I have my appointment with the hairdresser FINALLY so I hope to show you a new haircut this weekend :D
Today instead I wanted to share this month's shopping! I didn't get a lot cuz I'm having some expenses for my new house (which I hope to show you soon :D) but I still got some cute stuff :3
Earrings I got past weekend, I think they're lovely for 46gal!

New foundations and concealer from Maxfactor! Sadly they don't have a high coverage and don't go along with my skin texture :') but I'll stick with them for now 

Clinians face cream, it was like 4€ and it's really good for its price! Totally light and fast to absorb 

Dropology caffeine serum & Starskin face cream I can't wait to try

New pink boots that looked better in pics :') but they're for cosplay so it's ok

Super comfy otk boots

Ghost of Harlem mini dress!! 

d.i.a shirt that was in my wl since ages yay 😍

Couldn't resist and got OP commemorative volume and Sanji cookbook xD OP is my boom rn

Also got a Lapras funko from my lil bro *0* thank youuuu

And here's my co*de for today :D

Dress: Lip Service
Turtleneck, boots: Local shop
Accee: Aliexpress

 I'm really doing nothing special lately :/ I'm just working & crafting cosplays, today I also went to grocery shopping, maybe that can count as special? XD

Ok dinner is ready so I gotta go
Yours, Natsumin~

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