lunedì 7 febbraio 2022

NatsuMachi Deto💕

Today didn't start well for me cuz I have a stomach ache
I feel so bad I had to take the morning off
I hope I feel better this afternoon cuz I have tons of things to do at work
Anyway I just wanted to blog about saturday :D I meet up with my friend Numachi
 Since we live in different cities it's a bit hard to see each other but we decided for this weekend
Actually my bad luck started on Saturday XDD
I woke up late cuz I had troubles falling asleep
It took me like a lot to get ready dunno why I was just slow
Then once I stepped out of my house my boots broke 8DDD
I went back inside, changed my shoes, and rushed to the station
Finally got onto the train, and only then realized I messed up my schedule and took the train 1h before the meeting time.

On the train, wondering why I'm so stupid

The nails I choose to wear that day

Since I was so early I went to take a walk while waiting and look at some shops

Ayu is that you

Cuteee but they look like my xmas nails T_T wish they came in a different color

And some interesting finds at OVS:

The pink lipgloss looks almost like Candydoll Macaroon Pink lipgloss while the Eylure eyelashes I circled look like Diamond Lash Angel Eye!! I want to get them next week and try them out

Also, those incredible earrings that I really wish I had on xmas XDDD

Then I reached Numachi and we went to have tea at Pretty Mama, a kawaii/asian-inspired cafeteria
I love Pretty Mama, its aesthetic is so cute T___T
This giant Line mascotte *0*!!!! 
They serve bubble waffle and the cutest cookies ever! But I really liked the taiyaki with icecream the last time and Numachi never ordered it so we ordered taiyaki and tea :D Next time I want to try the bubble waffle :3 
We sat there and chatted for like 3 hours XDDD we were chatting so much that the taiyakis got served, we didn't noticed them and by the time we did the icecream was almost melted XDDDD
Oh well it was still really good *Q*
But since my luck really hated me at that point, I hitted my cup with my nails and one literally popped off lool
Thanks goodness I always keep with me more then one set www **"""

We chatted a bit more then went for a walk and look at some shops, after that sadly I had to go and catch my train back home ;_;
I'm really happy we got to see each other again ;_; we know each other since ages but between our schedule, covid and distance it's really hard
But I hope to see her more this year

Btw this was my look that day
Top, belt, pants, cardi: d.i.a
Choker: made by me
Necklace: Fossil
Boots: Local shop
with my exte and the cardi on

And my makeup:
 Lens: Barbie Nudy Brown
: Diamond Lash Angel Eye + Aliexpress random ones
: Candy Doll Poodle Pink Lipstick + Gelato Glitter Lipgloss

That's it!  Now I'm gonna try to sleep again cuz I feel slightly bad w I really hope to feel better later
See you soon and take care
Yours, Natsumin~

5 commenti:

  1. Wow your outfit looks so good!!
    And that cafe seems cozy :3

  2. Ahhh what a cute outfit! Your codes are always on point! But bless you! You had such bad luck 😭

    Cute blog post 💕

  3. I hope you are feeling better! <3

    I LOVE SO MUCH your co*de! I ordered two d.i.a jeans bc I'm starting to love tsuyome thanks to you! :P

  4. Omg this place is heavenly!
    Hope you're feeling better!

  5. Oh nooooo it sounds like you had the worst luck! ;; I'm glad you had a good time in the end though <333 Love your coord!
