domenica 12 settembre 2021


Hi!! How are you? I know, I'm spamming but this month the adorable Reilaless with other gals created this "109 Gyaru Month" full with gal activities so I'm on FIIIIIIIIRE
They put together panels, makeup and parapara lessons, group videos and blogging projects and so on T__T
Obviously I had to take part to the blogging activities XD
So today's activity is a gyaru meme *0* 
You can find this challenge's template here

 Let's start!

 GAL 109 MEME   

1. Name / Gyaru nickname and country: 
I'm Natsumi or Natsumin, and I'm from Italy ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น

2. Since when are you gyaru? 
I started around 2008/2009, but my first attempts can't be seen as gyaru ๐Ÿคฃ in 2010 I finally stopped being stubborn and accepted a lot of advices from other gals who were more informed than me at that time; following their suggestions I started buying magazines and then BOOM! I became totally obsessed. My love for gyaru had some ups and downs, I quitted 2 times due to some problems, but everytime I regretted it and came back to gal www
3. How did you discover the style?  
Probably in the "worst" way lol: through Super Gals! Manga XD I say it's the worst way because I was so obsessed with it, that my first gyaru attempts were more bad cosplay attempts than gal www thank goodness after some time I got to Gyaru Wardrobe, an Italian site about gyaru, and discovered the "real" gyaru style www
The funny thing is that I read SuperGals since 2003/2004 (when it was published in Italy), and I was obsessed with it back then, my first alternative fashion attempt ever was actually a Ran inspired outfit XDDDD me and my bestie back then were obsessed with it (we even called each other "Ran" and "Aya", and I was Aya www), we spent a lot of time searching and customizing our clothes to make them similar to theirs... (obviously no makeup, no big hairstyles cuz we didn't have the skills or the products) Then we started the HS, got into rock/metal sh*t and bye bye gyaru XDDDDD Only I came back to it 5 years later, in 2008, sadly with the same concept of gyaru in mind that I had back in 2003 XDDD thanks goodness internet allowed me to learn the right way wwww 
Here you can see how I changed through my three big "phases", it took me a while to find those pics XDDDD

4. What's your current substyle? Why do you like it?  
This question is always hard for me www I love every single side of gyaru so I tend to wear a lot of substyles depending on seasons, my mood, where I go etc. But I can say my most worn styles are agejo, onee and tsuyome! Mainly because I'm old www I have a job that only allows me elegant clothes (so onee) and I love strong, feminine coords so my choice often comes to be agejo or tsuyome! 
5. What are your current booms? 
OMG I have so many! But the strongest ones surely are Chanel, AGEHA, Duras, Cecil McBee and white/beige/cream colors!

6. Share 3 of your fav codes. Why do you like them so much?
 I choose those three cuz they represent my favorite styles: colorful gyarukei, agejo, tsuyome and ora ora/anegyaru :D I think those represent every side of me, also you can see my favorite wig and my favorite hairstyle with my real hair www
7. Share 3 things your learned during your Gyaru journey.
Apart from makeup and hairstyle skills, I had to learn how to take criticisms and learn from what other gals point out; even bad comments can point out a real mistake (example: I ended up on gyaru_secrets because of my large nose; even if the comment was offensive it was right somehow, cuz back then I didn't care about contouring and without that secret probably I wouldn't started to learn how to contour) so I had to take my time to think about the criticisms I received and try to take the best lessons out of them.
Another thing I learned is to mix and match, I have to say XDDD when I was younger I loved colors but I used to mix them in the worst ways XDDD especially cuz I was influenced by manga and anime 
Now if I ever mix again pink and brown at least I know how to do it www
Last thing I learned that I wanted to share is that thanks to gyaru I finally started to take care of myself - literally.
Gal's motto is "Get wild and be sexy" but is also love yourself, to me. After all why we dress this style? Cuz we want to look amazing for ourselves. And isn't this love for ourselves?
Thanks to gyaru I started to do skincare, haircare and tried to have a healthy life style (but also funny, so I still eat out or drink sometimes XD), but also I started to work hard on myself to improve as a person too before as a gyaru.
A beautiful appearence is useless if the inside is ugly, isn't it? So gyaru really pushes me to move forward and become the best version of myself.
8. Share 3 gaijin gals and 3 Japanese gals you look up to.
It's hard to choose just 3 T___T
Georgie, cuz she's the western Tsubasa Masuwaka to me, she should have a makeup or fashion line imho!! I love her taste, her chameleon style, and all her knowledge sorry I'm a fangirl www
Lizzie Bee, cuz following her gyaru journey through her blog never made me feel alone, and her style is so dear and cute!!
Emirichuu, I know she left gal but I still look her old gal video in loop and I love her AGEHA boom into my heart T_T even if she won't dress the style anymore her old looks are still a big inspo
Yumachi, cuz she's still gal, have you seen her IG?? Even if she toned down she's still undeniably gal
Chie, cuz through her journey she tried so many styles and trends that her blog is like a gal manual to me
 Sakurina, cuz she's the goddess of AGEHA and her movie "Girl's Life" is another gyaru manual to me XDD
9. What's your favorite Gyaru memory?
Surely is this 2016 Harajuku Fashion Walk! I was there with my besties back then and had the best time of my life XD I truly lived the gal lifestyle that day, and had so much fun! I miss a lot those days, but now my life doesn't allow me to do this kind of events and nobody here dresses gyaru anymore :'D
10. What would do advice to people who want to start in the style but doesn't have the courage yet?
My advice is to have courage XD here in Italy we say "Buttati, che รจ morbido" ("Jump, it's soft underneath") XDDD 
Jokes aside, if you really want to be gyaru, then be gyaru! Take your time to study, learn how this fashion works and make lots of attempts and experiments; you don't need to spend lot of money from the start (in the 2008 pic I'm wearing flea market clothes and a Liz Lisa shirt I managed to buy for 10$ on ebay www) and above all DON'T RUSH, everybody grows at different speed (it took me more than TEN years to get this look and it's not even the best for me) so don't be hard to yourself and have fun!!
And remember: it's just clothes and makeup XDDD they don't bite, and if you get negative comments don't give up, as I said above, but try to take the best lessons from them! There's nothing wrong if you fail and in those failures you can learn and improve yourself!
Also, you're never too old for this ;) I'm 30 and I still do this and I'll do this until I die XD and if somebody says you're too old they can go to... "relax" themselves somewhere else wwwww
I wish you all a fun gyaru journey!!

*Challenge ended*

I'm so happy about this month's event, I swear T___T if somebody manages to organize also an international meet I would die happy, I swear
Anyway while I'm here I'll show you my co*de from yesterday:
ใƒˆใƒƒใƒ—,ใƒ™ใƒซใƒˆ: d.i.a
ใ‚บใƒœใƒณ: D-Stiag
ไป˜ๅฑžๅ“: Chrome Hearts replica, aliexpress 

I was inspired by this Yumachi's co*de

Simple makeup yesterday, I was in a rush as always ops but I tried to follow some steps from Emiriichu last makeup tutorial
I played around with SNOW filters, I found this one and now I look like Kinashen www
Now I'll go back watching the routine for the parapara session, see you soon and take care!

Yours, Natsumin~

2 commenti:

  1. Omggg my darling!!!! Thank you so so much for mentioning me aaah that has really made my day ;; <33333

  2. I loved reading this! I love how into Super Gals you were! Your co*des are so so cute too °V°♡♡♡
