martedì 22 marzo 2022


How are you today??
As promised I'm back with this month's  issue!

So make yourself some tea, get some snacks and let's flip through it!

This month's issue is all about hair! At least the first articles www

The first article present big hairstyles by our favorites Sakurina, Satomin and Sayaka. I'm in love with Satomin's choices!!

My favorite's close up:

More hairstyling from the other models:

I'm in LOVE with the girl on the left, but looking at how her fringe changes I'm quite sure she's using a half wig and fake fringe, even if she explains how to curl them :')

Now for the clothing content! We have a lot of black x white, floreal/polkadots patterns, red/pink colors and my favorite: lace tights!
My fav are the chanel-like jacket on the right and Chie&Chika co*de! I'm in love with the marine vibe of their look :D
Now we're moving onto the centerfold! We have this month's favorite picks with the model's ranking
 Moving onto makeup! Here we have a simple look using mascara:
And contouring tips!
Eyemakeup tutorials:

More crazy hairstyles! Told you this issue was about hair XD they're absolutely madness but I'll share them just in case someone wants to try them somehow XD
I'm in love with the sunglasses hairstyle XD 
Is the bottom left one the Eiffel Tower or what 
Last clothing article! It's just a big ad of course, but still there are some nice co*des ideas, like this one with the pink dress shirt! Isn't it the cutest idea ever???
 Look at Satomin, I'm in love with the idea of fur collar + camisole + volume skirt!!
Last thing is this month's AGEHA's favorites! The first place is hold by this amazing Rady roomwear that I absolutely need now, but also the others are cool (THAT GOLDS BAG AGSJDUAJKJ *cries in poverty*)

And that's all for this month's issue! Did you like it?? Is there anything that particularly struck you?
Let me know in a comment! Until next post, see you soon and take care :D

Yours, Natsumin~