venerdì 17 maggio 2024

Mother’s Day 💝 and some thoughts

I disappeared again 8D sorry

At least I'm updating here cuz I kinda abandoned my IG&FB w (Twitter is long gone since I lost my account access with my old phone and their assistance won't help me, rip)

It's not like I have so much to say


This Sunday was 's Day! I went to see my parents

I bought desserts for my mom (along with a present but I didn't take a pic :') it was a flowery mug filled with chocos w) and we went to the flea market, then we watched a movie :D it was a fun sunday

My co*de:

Top: Shibuya 109 Aliexpress Shop (Liz Lisa replica) - Shorts: Tiffoni - Boots: Alcott - Bag: Liz Lisa

Ugg boots are super trendy this spring but it's already so hot here x_x I already need to find other shoes sob

The pastries I bought for my mom :D they were delicious ;w;

I'm super happy she liked my gift and the pastries (especially the pastries, I bought only her favorites wwwwww), she deserves the best


And this is what I got at the flea market XD

GAP preppy cardigan, too bad it's already too hot for it ;;
Tsuyome? dress, but I kinda changed my mind and I'm thinking about selling it w
Benetton barbie pink top, it's 100% cotton! Perfect for s/s :D
Bershka dress that reminded me of Lip Service
GUESS tshirt
GAS hot pink pants!!! With strass brand tag *0* it lost a bit of strass already but I'll try to replace them ><

And a dress I picked up from the post office :D

LD Prime mint tartan maxi dress! Actually it's a bit mid-calf lenght but since I'm short it reaches a bit above the ankles wwwww

THE TARTAN IS SPARKLY!!! T____T it's so pretty I love it

Now I just need a small frill denim vest, a loose knit tan top and I'm READY 8D

It kinda makes me laugh that I wrote "I'm ready" when I'm actually thinking about quitting gyaru w
Well I'm kinda thinking about quitting just gyaru makeup/hairstyling tbh, gal fashion is still the only fashion I like so I'm still buying clothes w
It's just that... this year I'll be 34 ^^"
Gyaru fashion is a fashion made for teenagers and young women, that's why it's so flashy and quirky
And it looks amazing on EVERY single girl I saw
but on me... lol. Just lol. It doesn't matter how many filters I use I KNOW I'm old and ugly XD
Especially when doing Ranzuki style... I feel kinda stupid lol
Heavy makeup also doesn't look good anymore on me, and my hair can't take all this stress anymore, it doesn't matter if I use heatless curling methods, it keeps snapping and breaking. I need to cut it absolutely but I should dye it too and I'm scared of the damage at this point...
Also my skin can't take it anymore, wearing foundation and makeup everyday hurts my skin and it shows (with breakouts, irritations, stains and all that stuff), the more makeup I wear the older I look
But how can I call myself gyaru if I don't do my hair and my makeup?
How can I call myself gyaru if I can't do anymore what really makes a gyaru?
I don't wanna be one of those people who just buy a ton of brand stuff and calls themselves "gyaru" wearing plain makeup and hair
Gyaru fashion is a piece of my personality. It's my taste. My thoughts. 
But maybe it's time to say goodbye?
I have to think about this (especially cuz I don't want to sell my stuff, last time I tried to quit gal in 2018 I went into a BIG depression phase cuz I didn't feel like myself without gal w and I don't wanna experience that again w) but yeah this is why I'm not into social networks anymore w
Also not having a "funny" life doesn't help me w (cuz as you may have noticed, I mostly just work. I only go out on weekends and I'm just doing normal stuff like shopping, dinner or coffee with friends. Why should you be interested in this? XD What's the point of sharing my life if my life is THIS boring?)

I just don't know XD

But meanwhile I'm thinking all of this I've got a notification from my ss that I just won... those?

I'm after that zebra bag since 2016 8D 

And the hoodie is from Sakurina's own brand T______T


Where was all this luck when I was younger???? ç____ç

So yeah, all this rant about quitting while I'm still buying stuff lol (well I can always use them as room decor but yeah it's incoherent w)

Well, it's my blog, I guess I can rant about whatever I want w

I hope next post will be more interesting w

Yours, Natsumin~

4 commenti:

  1. It sounds like a nice time with your mom!
    And I hope you find a balance for your style that makes you feel good. Maybe it's possible to focus on the eyemake and not so much on heavy foundations? Hair damage is a real concern as well. Hair pieces/partial wigs could be helpful I think. I'm not very good at hair myself, so I am just throwing ideas out >_<;;
    In any case, enjoy your beautiful fashions!

  2. I really relate to everything you mentioned. I had a hard time with my skin and eyes recently and had to replace all my makeup. Maybe trying different products would help? I found out I’m sensitive to some ingredients, and heavy foundation was making me itchy so i switched to lighter foundation and then I just conceal any dark spots with concealer. I know what you mean about just not feeling cute though. I turned 27 recently and I always feel awkward and ugly. It’s like every time i put an outfit on i just feel ridiculous and like I look bad. But then like you said, gal is a part of us. So i feel inauthentic without it. I’m sorry you’re feeling this too (◕︵◕) i hope you’re able to find something that works for you and makes you feel confident!!

  3. Babes I feel you!!! I turned 31 this year and I feel heavy makeup doesn't look good on me anymore either. And some clothing trends I feel silly in too. But I wholeheartedly understand the idea of letting it all go would put me into a pit of despair too. I hope you can find a happy medium. That way you don't have to let go such a big passion. *sending hugs* But let me add, I had no idea you felt this way. You appear so young to me! You look amazing in your coords & makeup if I say so myself!

  4. I completely understand your situation, but some concepts of dressing up accordingly to your age are mostly societal rules that aren't really real. Don't leave what you love because of that!!! As for your skin and hair, I think that's why onee makeup is more toned down. My motto is "innovate, adapt and overcome". I don't wear foundation everyday but I cover blemishes with concealer and powder. Take Yun and Yumachi as examples; they're both in their 30s and still gyaru! I hope you can find balance and peace!
