mercoledì 10 aprile 2013

Small Easter Update: Spring gets, outfit and good news

Hi everybody! How are you?
I wish you all a belated happy easter~
Mine was GREAT.
On Sunday I visited my dad's family after a long time: I spent the day eating delicious food, petting my cousin's dog and playing Wii's Party with my youngest cousin!

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On Monday I had a small Easter lunch with my friends at my family's warehouse.. it was so chaotic but I had a lot of fun!

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Cleaning the warehouse.. So much work!

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My girls, preparing our lunch (I was still cleaning lol)

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This is my outfit from Easter's Monday:

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Dress, choker: Ghost of Harlem
Belt: Calliope
Accessories: Taobao

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As you can see I got some new things!

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Ghost of Harlem dress and Hair Chalks!

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Garula Top from my friend Jay!

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Ebay mini haul: melty cross ring,
Zipper bracelet and slave cross bracelet
Now I have to wait my taobao parcel. would you prefer a v-log about it or the usual blogpost?

On Saturday my eye allergy was gone so YAY! I could properly do my makeup again. But it lasted only one day, because the day after I had my allergy AGAIN. Keep calm, you'll recover soon......

Outfit Of The Day

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Top, choker: d.i.a
Hoodie: Tally Weijl
Belt: diable baiser
Shorts: d.i.y (I'll post about them soon)
Tights: Taobao

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Aaaand a good news babies. You won't care but I sure do it a lot!

I'm in love again

After my ex boyfriend I didn't want to be in love anymore. I wanted to be alone, all by myself. But then I met him and everything is perfect. I'm so happy that it just feels so unreal TwT Hope it will stay like this...

So babies now that's all. Thank you for reading, see you soon!

domenica 24 marzo 2013

Japanese Gyaru Inspiration Post☆ + Outfits Bonus!

Hi gals! How are you?

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As you can see I've been quite fine LOL. I'm already studying for my last exams but I'm taking it easy now. So I've been relaxing more.. This is my usual afternoon break: coffee, green tea, cheesecake and SOUL SISTER! Don't worry, that cheesecake is made by me and is low-fat, since I'm still on diet XD
My diet should end on first days of May, I'll do a proper post when I'll be done. Until then it's a secret XD

Sooo I have a bad eye-allergy (argh) so I only have outfits pics, that I'll show in the end of this post. But I wanted to update so.. Time for inspiration post!
As I already said I like gaijin gyaru more, but I still have some japanese gyaru as inspiration!

Japanese Gyaru

DJ Minori

Her blog here. It seems I can't find so many infos about her. I only know that she models for SOUL SISTER  and that she's actually a DJ! I think she's so awesome and I love her haircut! She's totally the kind of gal I want to be.



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Hideka Tsunematsu

Her blog here. If I love a gyaru, you can be sure I won't find any info about her! XD Another mystery gal ahahah XD I don't even know if she models or works in a shop ;_;
I love her crazy style and feel! She looks so sexy, cute and explosive! Totally fascinating. She's my love only love, I totally would marry her ;_;

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Her blog here. Model for SOUL SISTER, one of most famous japanese gyaru! I love her hair, make up and most of her outfits (I don't like the elegant outfits she does sometimes, I'm totally not into that feel).
We also share the same love for CHANEL

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Her blog here. Rina Sakurai, who doesn't know her? She is a model for AGEHA, she has her own false lash brand (Fairy Lash), she was the main actress in GIRLS LIFE! I like her style but who drives me mad is her makeup. So beautiful and flawless! Totally inspiring.

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☆Kanako Kawabata☆

Her blog here. She's a model for EGG and also a DJ! (I discovered this just some days ago.. Whoops!) I like that she's so sparkling, colorful and looks happy no matter what! Just looking at her I want to smile too :D
So cute!
She was also my first inspiration when I started gyaru, so she has a very special place in my heart.

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Her blog here. She's a shopstaff in tutuHA. I love how she uses accessories (a lot, as I like) and her punk look!



 Ok, time to end this post (and go to bed, I have to wake up early tomorrow x,x). Before greetings, here's my latest two outfits!

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My d.i.a onepiece arrived, woo-hoo!

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Tights details

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After reading SOUL SISTER this outfit was all I could think about
See you soon cuties, have a good night♥

mercoledì 13 marzo 2013

†Update: Shopping, Haircut, Outfit†

Hi everyone!! How are you? I'm fine :D and finally relaxed after so long, because my winter exams session is over!! XD
-3 exams to my graduation *_*
I feel like I'm deflated =A= but I'm happy!

LOL. Chirp chirp!

Sooooo. Some new things in my life! Let's start with the most important 8D


Yes I cut my hair short HAHAHAHAHAHA omg. On the moment I wanted to die. My hairdresser (a new one, totally awesome but a bit sadistic XD) was running his fingers through my hair, telling me how he would cut it blahblahblah then he said "Ok let's cut the ponytail" me "What? O_O"
..Then more than half of my hair was in the hand of my hairdresser.
I screamed in terror inside my very heart.
My hairdresser: "LOL babe, wanna keep it?" *waves my (ex) ponytail in front of my eyes*
Me: "=_= Fuck you man."

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Soooo this is me with short hair. What do you think? I'm so happy with my new haircut (still psicologically hurted but I'll recover soon), I wanted to change so bad and I feel so FRESH.

Soooo new outfit with my new haircut! The make up is the one in the above pic.

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Shorts: Tralala
Choker: Ghost of Harlem replica
Belts: Calliope + nobrand
Accessories, boots: nobrand

Sorry for bad quality pic x,x they're from Woman's Day, I was all day out with my girls and when I took pics I was too tired to care about it x,x

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Fishbone Corset Tee, d.i.a Lock&Key Top,
ANAP fringed Top, Calliope Checkered shirt

I did some shopping again HAHAHAHAH.
Oh, man.
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d.i.a top worn pic!

I'm still waiting for a couple of things (hairchalks and d.i.a onepiece ♥♥♥) and I need to pay shipments for my Taobao order (3.5 KG HAHAHAHAHA WANNA DIE) and Ebay order (a couple of accessories, since I lost my 2 favourite rings - sad story)..

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H&M T-shirts, "Wonderful, Glorious" Eels album,
"The Sound of Silence" Simon & Garfunkel album,
books from my wishlist

THAT. EELS. ALBUM. If you follow me on Twitter you already know how such a fangirl I can be. I'm a Placebo/Gorillaz/Eels-fag XD so when the new "Wonderful, Glorious" album came out I couldn't help myself from buying it. BEST THING I EVER DID, since this album is TRUE SWAG. If you like rock music you totally should listen to it, especially if you love bigs like Pink Floyd. You won't regret it, I swear. Mr. E's voice is simply the most biting and intense voice I ever heard, and tracks like "Bombs Away", "New Alphabet", "The Turnaround", "Wonderful, Glorious" are divine. It tastes like nirvana to me. Inner peace, you know what I'm talking about.

And speaking about those H&M t-shirts: they were too cool and I needed them in my life.

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Hi, I'm fat and I wanna die.
H&M red T-shirt worn! It has a tutuHA taste IMHO and it was only 12,95€ so I really needed to buy it (no, I didn't need it. It was just awesome. So bad at finding excuses LOL). I'm planning on printing black wings on the back but meh, I'll see.

Ok, I think that's all. See you in the next post cuties!
Love ya!

martedì 19 febbraio 2013

Latest buys☆

Hi everybody! How are you? :3
Inthose days I received some parcels and did some (late) sales shopping, let's check out what I got!

Canmake Loose Powder, Canmake BB Cream, Dollywink Lipbalm

Canmake is one of my favourite make up brands! I already had its Contouring Palette and I absolutely love it!
The lipbalm was in my make up wishlist since a year and I love it a lot! It's mint-flavoured, it's really soft and smoothing on my lips!
It's also a cute phonestrap ♥




Size comparison





d.i.a top
d.i.a top

I just love this top! It's silky and fresh. And makes my boobs look bigger, ahahah XD
In the end of this post I'll show you how it looks worn ;)

Sales buys

Sales shopping came late for me XD I didn't have the time before, but on Sunday my mother ask me to go shopping.. How could I say no? XD
Ok, let's see what I got!

Tally Weijl
Tally Weijl Watch

H&M & Bershka
Left: H&M , Right: Bershka
Chain Detail Bershka Jeans
Bershka Jeans, Chain Details

Tally Weijl
Tally Weijl
I saw Viivi with a similar skirt, so I thought.. why not? XD I hope to wear it soon, now it's still too cold ;_;

Tally Weijl
Both from Tally Weijl
Bought to match the skirt. The top on left looks sexy but "old school", don't you think?

Bershka & H&M
Left: Bershka , Right: H&M
The top on left looks soooo d.i.a style to me!! Maybe I'll customize it a bit, I need to think about it ♥
The H&M top has a reaaaaally deep neckline, it's quite embarassing *COFF* but it will look so good with my party bra, can't wait to wear it ♥♥

H&M & Tally Weijl
Left: H&M , Right: Tally Weijl
I saw Kasui with a similar t-shirt on GAL VIP, so I tried to find it but I only found this.. I like it anyway!

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Eyeshadow palette!


My new cellphone! Nokia Lumia 710. With its new cover made by me, the Dollywink lipbalm and MA*RS screensaver XD

Ok, time to show you how the new d.i.a top look worn!

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Choker: d.i.a
Top: d.i.a
Belt: diable baiser
Jeans: H&M

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Does it look good on me? And before you ask: yes, I lost a lot of weight in those months. Now I weigh 50kg. I'm doing legs and flat abs workout and (as I already said) I'm on diet. I can't tell you about my diet since it's something that change from person to person, but if you want to know my workouts let me know :3
Ok that's all for today, soon I'll do my Valentine's Day post, ahahah XD
See you soon cuties!