lunedì 13 giugno 2022

👗More GETS☆ & CO*DEs!👗

How are you? :D I'm waiting for my friends to reach my place so we can watch Spy x Family together so I thought to blog in the waiting 
So first thing I got two new watches!! If you don't know, I'm still grieving the Cecil McBee watch that I was gifted on my birthday and got lost by UPS :') 
But this time they came thanks goodness XD

The pearl one is from MA*RS and the rhinestones one is from Datura :D
The pearl one is already my favorite and I'm wearing it everyday

I also got more stuff from Vinted! All & obviously ww

After this I wanted to show you my co*de for today :D
Top, belt, necklace:
Skirt: Cecil McBee
Bracelets, boots, bag: Flea Market

And also some other co*des from May that I didn't post :P

Tee: Tralala
Pants: Rosebud
Necklace: handmade by me
Jacket, accessories: Flea Market

Overall, necklace: Vinted
Top, bracelets: Flea Market
Shushu: made by me
Dress. Bohoo (bought from Lizziewaifu)
Belt: Aliexpress, customized by me
Necklace: handmade by me
Bracelets: Flea Market

My friends arrived so I need to end this here ><
I wish you all a great night :D

Yours, Natsumin~

Weekend CO*DEs #5

I have a quick break so I'll use it to update ww
Today I wanted to share this weekend's co*des! I could also share today's co*de but I didn't take pics so I'll probably post again XD
Anyway this weekend I had a lot of errands to do! On Sunday we were gonna have a big gaming night so on Saturday I went to buy snacks and other things. It's already really hot here so I've worn my beloved d.i.a scarf top!

Whole coord: d.i.a
Bracelets: Flea Market, gift by Emimi

I did my makeup with my new Tasty Peach palette (which I'm gonna review soon), with no lower lashes cuz I was in a rush again XD

That day was so windy I couldn't keep my hairstyle ;_;

In the end I bought snacks, some cakes for Sunday family lunch and came back home, and in the evening me & my friends met up for some Netflix&Chill

Maybe too chill ww

The day after (Sunday) I had the gaming night so I did another simple tsuyome co*de, I dunno but wearing tsuyome makes me feel really comfy & casual XD

Whole coord: d.i.a
Acce: Chrome Hearts replica necklace, Flea Market bracelets
I ate a lot at my parents's as usual & at the gaming night we had a thousand snacks & my friend brought focaccia soooooo I'm surely gonna gain weight, pls save me ;___;

We played Dungeon World this time *0* I loved it a lot!! This time I was a charming royal guard, totally Lady Oscar inspired wwwwwww
Now I want to try 7th Sea, it's still a rpg but pirate themed *A* aaaaaaaaa
Too many things I want and not enough money XD
I'll end this here cuz my break is over w
See you soon & take care!
Yours, Natsumin~

giovedì 9 giugno 2022

Finding Gal Stuff in Normie Places #2 @Terranova


I'm back with another gal finds post, yay :D this time I digged into Terranova site! The summer release is quite good so I got to find a bunch of nice pieces!

As the last time I did some collages to show you how to coord them, and I added links under pictures so you can get the same pieces I used in the outfits collages :D 

Let's see what I found, shall we? :D

 First piece is this long dress!

Zebra dress - 29.99€ 

It's a nice get for tsuyome! You can easily coord it with just gold jewelry and a bulky belt, but you can make it more personal wearing a bra top with a particular back or a printed crop top!

There is also a short dress you can basically coord in the same way:

Dress - 12.99€

Next is this halterneck top, an easy way to coord it is with shorts, gold jewelry & a belt:

Black top - 19.99€

Belt - Necklace - Shorts
Now some basic pieces for himekaji! A white dress is a must have for this style, so I choose those 2, one short and a longer one:

Short dress - 19.99€


Long dress - 29.99€

They also have this cute flower dress: you can coord it like the above white dresses, and it's also plus size!
Next is a saikegal dress, another big classic in summertime :D you can wear a denim shirt over it with a brown belt, or as it is with just a long necklace and a braid accessory

Long dress - 39.99€

Now a piece for our amekaji gals! They have this nice overall in 4 colours, perfect with a funny tshirt and a baseball hat:

Salopette in black

Salopette in yellow

Salopette in white

Next is a piece for agejo :D polkadots are a recurrent theme especially in gyarukei but also in agejo! Coord this dress in pink to get a nice agejo vibe:
Another overall, this time more of a jumpsuit! This type of overall was really popular in tsuyome (d.i.a made one like this in black and white), so coord it with a bulky bling belt and metallic accessories!

As last piece we have this black mini dress! It's a basic item and you can easily coord it for tsuyome with the usual blingy belt, but with a gold chain belt (I choose this one with the butterfly cuz MA*RS made a similar one) you get a more agejo look! Wear the sewn-in gold chain on your back (to make it more particular), add a long necklace on the front and you're done :D

And that's all I found! What do you think? Do you like those pieces? Which one is your favorite? Let me know in a comment :D

Now I gotta go, see you soon and take care!

 Yours, Natsumin~