Isn't it beautiful??? AND IT WORKS!!! AND IT'S ALREADY DECO!!!! (ok a couple of gems fell but still)
The model is Docomo FOMA F904i and it's from 2007💕
Sadly it came without any accessories :') so I paid "only" 25/30€ (including shipping & ss fees) for it but I still need to pay:
50€ for the charger (+ 10/20€ for the adapter from jap plugs to eu plugs cuz I live in Italy lol)
10€ for the microsd (cuz old phones like this can accept only microsd up to 2GB, and I don't have one anymore lol)
40€ for the Hypersim (a sim to unlock this kind of phones)
God-knows-how-much for the earphones, which I still can't find
So it's gonna cost almost like a modern smartphone lol that's why I don't think I'll unlock this, I'll probably use this as a MP3player with camera if I can find the earphones, otherwise I'll just use the camera
But still worth it for me cuz I'm dreaming of this phone since I was 18
I just won't recommend it 🤣 better stick to LG flipphones, trust me (or at least buy docomo ONLY if they come complete with charger, earphones etc)
Aaaand since I'm dumb and I don't get my lesson 🤣 I still have a mini wishlist of Docomo phones ;u;
