martedì 30 gennaio 2024

Happy 2024! January Update

 Good morning and

 It's been a while lol but as I said I prefer to post when I have more things to talk about

Anyway happy new year! How did u spent it? Did u have fun? I went to visit my bff for NYE in Rome! I was super happy to see her after two months ;_;

 I arrived in Rome on 30th evening so we had dinner in a local famous restaurant called "La Buzzicona" and caught up on some old gossip ww

Finally I could be reunited with my only love, carbonara pasta XD
Sbriciolata di mele!! (Apple crumble cake) *0* pls leave me here :')
and tiramisu ofc XD
Then we went to get cocktails and plan the NYE party for the day after! It was a great night after a lot of work days
This was my fit for that day! Super simple cuz it took me 5 hours to reach Rome
Hoodie: GALEO
Shorts: XIII Japan
Scarf: Terranova
Boots: thrifted

The day after was New Year's Eve! My bff hosted a party and everybody helped with different foods and drinks :D I had a great time

I don't have a pic of my fit that night except for this try-on I did some days before w but I just wore this qipao style dress from aliexpress and my MA*RS belt, then my Rilakkuma kigu for the rest of the night w

 I stayed at my bff's place another day that we spent relaxing, then I had to go back home ;_;

 The day after I had some sort of mental breakdown and now I have red hair again lol

Hat: Love Girls Market
Sweater: W*C
Shorts, boots, backpack: thrifted

 Besides from my trip to Rome I had a hard January XD I had the flu twice, I hurt my back, in few words I spent January mostly in bed ;_; at least on 13th/14th Simo and Vale come to visit me!

Simo arrived on Friday night and we had our usual sleepover watching anime and having snacks, then the day after we went in Bari to pickup Vale and her bf from the station, go shopping and have dinner 

 My CO*DE!

Dress, garter: Golds Infinity
Acce: handmade
Shoes: thrifted

 It was such a beautiful day it looked like spring...! Too bad it was so cold I almost froze lol
Shopping spree!! I wanted that Mai figure so much :') I think I'll treat myself on Valentine's Day lol

Joker is a Barbie now wwwww
We found that one of our fav shops (Macedonia Madness) has a LOT OF SANRIO STUFF *O*
Those pens aaaaaaaa
OMG MyMelo kitten TAT so CUTE
and DEAR MY LOVE MY MELO!!! Another thing I need to get myself for V'sDay www
Then we went to dinner at My Dimsum as always :D Vale and her bf loved it!

After dinner we all went back to my place cuz I was hosting everybody XD we had sweets and some drinks there cuz it was too cold to go somewhere else lol

My shopping spree results XD mostly food cuz my pantry was empty lol

The mini Chopper figure I won at Macedonia XD they had those One Piece blind boxes and I really wanted Chopper but there was another guy vulturing around them cuz he wanted Zoro and asked for trade to everybody XD I picked up a box and he said "I swear I bought TEN BOXES and no Zoro, if you find Zoro I'm jumping out of the window, please trade with me if you find it" but I replied "Sorry but if I find it I can't trade, Simo wants it XD", I opened it and THERE WAS ZORO XDDDDD
We screamed so loud in happiness but he screamed LOUDER IN DESPAIR cuz I just said no trade XDDD I was super sorry so I picked another box and said "ok if it's another Zoro it's yours, I just wanted Chopper" and he was "Fine, I've found like EIGHT Chopper" XD, I opened it, and there was Nami XD the guy was almost in tears I felt so sorry and guilty but I was also in tears laughing XDDDD
Somehow his collection missed Nami so we traded Nami for one of his Choppers XDD
I wish I made a video cuz it was HILARIOUS
Sorry man, I hope you found your Zoro wwww
The day after we went out for lunch again, this time at Kyoto, another one of my faves XD I dressed up simply, too lazy to think ww
Dress: d.i.a
Boots, acce: thrifted
I ate a lot XD  but everything is so good at this restaurant ;_;

Now I want sushi again lol
After lunch my friends had to go home ;_; but before saying goodbye Vale gifted me some German choco her dad sent her ;_; I love youuuu best gift ever XD those cookies are THE BEST COOKIES aaaa thank uuuu
I can't wait to see them all again ;_;

Anyway here's also some co*des from this month while I'm here XD
Everything thrifted except for d.i.a belt

Everything MA*RS except for headband (Shein) and stockings (Hard Candy)

Bag, Sweater: Liz Lisa
Belt: Ma*rs
Boots: Twinset

And that's all XD I have some shopping incoming but it's for another post ww

 I wish you a great week :D

Yours, Natsumin~

mercoledì 27 dicembre 2023

Merry Christmas!

Hello and Merry Christmas! Long time no see lol but those have been two difficult months XD
Long story short I hurt my back at Lucca Comics and spent all November in bed recovering XDDD I couldn't walk ^^"
 Then on December the worst time of the year started at my work place XD December is deadlines time so a lot of people come last minute to fix stuff 8D so we're working like A LOT
But finally Christmas came and I had 4 days of rest! But the first 2 I was sick lol
I really hope this new year will bring me a bit of more luck thank you XD
Anyway I wanted to share my fits from Christmas!
Top: Disney - Jacket: Datura - Shorts: Tralala - Belt: Ma*rs - Acce: thrifted
 Super simple Christmas morning co*de but I was still a bit sick 
I had lunch with my family so no need to be extra 

Dress: Liz Lisa - Belt: Ma*Rs - Boots: Twinset - Acce: gifted, handmade by me, Ma*rs watch
 Yesterday's co*de with the dress I got last month! It's already one of my favorites!! I love the pattern so much, it's super cute ;_;

New Xmas pink nails
 Since I was feeling finally better I met up with my girls!! We exchanged gifts, had tea (in every meaning lol THE DRAMAAAA THE GOSSIIIIP - looks like Xmas time is the perfect time for a lot of people to become batsh*t crazy and go ballistic, and also for exes to come back lmao) and took a look at the Christmas Market
Adorables stone magnets painted as desserts!!
Super beautiful handmade bags that I wanted more than air

OMG those cute penguins bath bombs from Lush were the best TAT
I love the Xmas decorations every year

I missed them so much ;__; I didn't see them for 2 months and it was really too much 
So I was super happy 

And I got a lot of incredible gifts whohooo
 From my family: my usual Chanel perfume, a beautiful baby blue bracelets and new makeup brushes that I wanted so much ;_;

From my girlfriends: Kirby bento bag, Barbie pen and tumbler!! MY COLLECTOR HEART IS HAPPY 

From Paki: Jigglypuff backpack and stationery set ;______; HOW CUTE! AND THE BAG OMG ;____; this is the cutest thing ever
 From dear myself XD: OP RED movie DVD and Nico Robin cosplay, since I need to sell a lot of clothes this year I got those on sale and called them my xmas gifts wwwwww
 While I'm here (since I don't know when I'll post again XD probably after NYE) I'll post also the few winter co*des I took pics of (too tired to remember to take pics wwww)

Setup: INGNI - Boots: thrifted - Bag: MA*RS - Sunglasses: Rady

Sweater: thrifted - Jewel TeddyBear skirt: MA*RS - Boots: local shop

Top+hoodie: Ank Rouge - Boots: thrifted - Belt: MA*RS - Sunglasses: Rady
Hoodie dress: Barbie - Boots: local shop

 Now gtg so I'll end this here, I hope to have soon more stuff to post
also cuz I've kinda decided to not ditch my blog
but just post ONLY WHEN I have something to blog about
instead of k*lling myself trying to make contents or articles
Who cares XD I wanna blog for me
So I'll post again when I have something interesting to talk about XD
Meanwhile take care and Merry Christmas (and Happy New Year) to you all! 
Yours, Natsumin~