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Visualizzazione post con etichetta roxy. Mostra tutti i post

giovedì 8 aprile 2021

Recent Boom + Today's CO*DE

How are you? This week was really hard for me, I'm so exhausted x_x but I got to meet some friends so it was still a great week lol

Anyway today's post is about my recent booms XD I'm obsessed with a lot of things lately and I want to share them! So here they are:

1) Yellow

Yeah I'm totally in love with yellow now XD I used to hate this colour but now I think it doesn't look so bad on me and I LOVE amekaji coords with yellow in them! It feels like spring to me, in pastel tones I think it's a really sweet colour! I'm also into the more "bright" yellow which looks really cool in haady coords imho (I still don't like yellow in neon/flashy tones LMAO)  

Here's some yellow inspo:

Of course Chie couldn't miss LMAO

And my two last yellow coords which you already saw LOL but I haven't new yellow outfits, I want to buy more clothing in this colour before the end of spring! >_</

2) Mickey Mouse

Actually I love Mickey since I was a child XD but now I want MORE Mickey clothing and items!! I especially love the "Cuties" version of Mickey:

I like it so much I bought a Cuties Mickey plush, even if it's for toddlers LOL 
sorry not sorry

And the only Mickey coords I made until now:

And some inspo (mostly from Chie cuz she loves Mickey and I love her XD):

3) Mocha from Cinnamoangels

Ok I have to say that I LOVE CINNAMOROLL since I was 13 XD I was a kid on her first school trip and in the first souvenir shop I found a small Cinnamoroll keychain... I instantly fell in love with him XD I love his stuff, he's so cute and his friends are adorable too!! But I never gave attention to his friends (too obsessed with him LMAO), those days I was searching for more pictures of him and I noticed some details in Mocha... Like the tan colour of her fur... the outfits she often wears... her hairties (in the manga she often changes them)... her obsession for makeup, her smartphone and girly things... OMG is Mocha a gyaru?? XDDD 

In my opinion she is surely a bit inspired XD what do you think?

I don't know what you think but it looks like an outfit from Popteen imho!!

Anyway rn I'm obsessed with her too! XD I decided to make my kitchen Cinnamoroll themed (white x blue) and bedroom Mocha themed (pink x tan) to combine those two

Sadly she doesn't have merch T___T except for plushies... I'll try to make some stuff handmade, we'll see!

4) Hibiscus & Beach themes

Ok probably this was obvious from my blog graphic XDDD

Another thing I love is the sea and the beach :D I live all the year waiting for summer just to go back to the beach, all my most precious memories were on the beach, it's just my life

So I decided that my house "general" theme will be coastal/beach theme! A lot of tan, white, light blue and of course hibiscus, shells and light fabrics

The only problem is that right now I'm on rent, and my furniture is my landlord's, so I obviously can't change or modify it... I hope to change this situation soon ><

Meanwhile I decorated with hibiscus wherever I could XD

Now I want to buy some flower strings to decorate the living room/kitchen :D I'll show you the final result (but it will take a while XD)

Anyway those are my latest obsessions! Do you have a current boom? I hope I don't change my mind again cuz I have too many interests and THAT'S EXPENSIVE XDDD

While I'm here I also want to share my co*de for today, I don't know if it's really gal but I like it XD maybe a pink plaid shirt would have made it cuter? What do you think?

Hat, sweater: Roxy - Pants: Zara - Shoes: LITA 
Acce: vintage hibi pendant, Hard Rock Cafè heart necklace, 1$store bracelets&ring

Now I'll go cooking my dinner, I'm so hungry omg XD
See you soon, sweet dreams

domenica 21 marzo 2021

Amekaji Disney + Rokku coords + New Nails&Gets

How are you? Here in Italy the situation is not so good, we're in total lockdown until 5th of April (and we don't know if the 5th it will be lifted), so I'm at home again lol
Actually I'm not at home everyday, we had to take shifts for the second time
But since Friday it was my shift and we were closed to public I could dress as I wanted, yay! XD

Vest: Oysho - Sweater: Disney - Skirt: Cecil McBee
Boots: UGG (?) - Hat: Gilfy - Bag, necklace: Roxy - Acce: 1$ store, Flea Market, handmade by me
OMG I'm so happy I worn it!! Clothing always had a "therapeutic" effect on me, I always thought yellow looked horrible on me, but now I love it!! It makes me feel spring and makes me happy ;w;
On my way to work I stopped for a takeaway breakfast in a cafè near my office, and look! They had yellow easter donuts!!

Ok I'm stupid I know but I LOVE that it matched my coord XD 
it was also so good :Q__
(Sorry for the ugly selfies but I forgot to disable the alien filter and I was too lazy to redo them LMAO)

Also those tiny pastel stars are life 

I got new nails stickers again! XD This time it isn't my fault, a friend didn't want them anymore so she gave them to me lolol I'm a lucky gal

Those perfume bottles are so cute ;_____; I'm so happy, I want to do a nail art with them but I need more nail polishes
Actually I have A LOT of polishes but they still are at my parents's house^^" with a lot of my stuff lol
So now I only have like 6 nail polishes XD and I never manage to get my old ones because of lockdown LMAO
And I have to do my nails again cuz I ruined them AGAIN XD
So guess what? XD I made my nails pink again LMAO
This time I took inspiration from those nails:

And this is what I made!

Sorry for my ugly hands XD but I like the result! 
I hope they last longer this time 🙏

I also tried panko! I marinated some chicken breast in soy sauce, sweet paprika and honey, breaded it with egg and panko and fried. God I love it xD when the lockdown is over again I'm gonna buy a million bags of panko ahahahah it's really different from usual italian breadcrumbs, more light and crunchy :Q__
On Saturday I went out for a bit to collect some parcels and buy some groceries 
I was still in a Disney mood so I worn the hat I bought from Georgie💕

Hat: Disneyland Paris - Top: Disney - Shorts: Tralala - Hoodie: St. Diego 
Boots UGG(?) - Acce: Roxy, Disney, 1$ store


Rosebud rokku tee

H&M pois skirt

Roxy Sweater

God I swear I love this sweater I have already a lot of ideas, I can't wait to wear it ;w;

An example:
White fur hat for my collection LMAO

While I'm here I'm also posting my coord for today, I just went out 5 minutes to get cigarettes lol but I wanted to try my new Alcott coat! I was inspired by old Rokku style Sakurina

Coat: Alcott - Top: Ghost of Harlem - Skirt: Phard 
Boots: New Rock - Acce: Galeo, 1$ store

I really love those boots💕

Ok that's all for now ^^ I'm gonna make myself some hot coffee now cuz it's really cold here today T_T where is my spriiiiiiiingggg
See you soon