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Visualizzazione post con etichetta half wig. Mostra tutti i post

giovedì 20 novembre 2014

A/W (and Christmas) Wishlist!

Hi there!

So sorry, it's almost a year I don't update ;_; I have lots of things I want to talk about... but sadly I don't have pics now so I'll update soon with all the news :3 I also hope to blog more now that I have a more regular schedule.
Today I just post my new wishlist, since I'm buying random things, not the ones I need and I have to stop XD

1. Ombre Extensions

Lately I've been obsessed with Ombre hair! I love the blonde x pink ones, they look so MA*RS-ish and they're already curled so no pain for me ahahahah! The blonde x black ones remind me of Hideka-chan and I can't wait to have them!! I will straighten and wear them in my d.i.a and goth outfits, I can't wait *___*

2. Half wig

I need a half wig. I just don't know which color should I choose, since my actual hair is blonde with some darker highlighting on the top... Maybe I'll take the right one to match the extensions and dye my hair.

3. MA*RS belt

You know what? I'm again into agejo XD my d.i.a wardrobe is already quite big so I want to increase my agejo clothing now :3 I already own some tops by GOLDS Infinity and MA*RS, now I want dresses, set ups and of course a belt!

4. MA*RS dresses

I wanted those 2 dresses since a long time!!! I hope to buy them before summer ;_;

5. MA*RS bag

Nothing to say. It's beautiful. And I need it in black.

6. MA*RS set up
I-LOVE-IT! It's cute, feminine and sexy! I love tartan print in pink A LOT and this is totally a HAVE-TO-BUY!

7. MA*RS bra

Everybody keeps telling me how much beautiful are those bra, how big your boobs look in this, blah blah blah. Hey, it's black, it has a pink bow, do you really need other motivations to make me buy it?

8. d.i.a jeans
I'm chasing them since forevah. Need size 26. Nobody is selling them. SIGH.

9. Etude House Makeup Case

My makeup desk looks a mess, so I need this so much ;_; I've seen it on Amazon but I'm trying to find it cheaper!

10. Black Cropped Hoodie

I ruined my old one so I need a replacement. It makes all your outfits kurogal-ish. I miss you ;_;

11. MA*RS lighter

I know, I don't really need it ;_; but it's MA*RS, it's cute, they made it in pink, it's a lighter so... maybe actually I need it? ;_;
I'll buy it anyway.

So that's all for today! I hope to update soon with some outfits and makeup.
Bye bye!