lunedì 25 gennaio 2021

Some D.I.Y.s

I should've blogged about this yesterday but I was too tired so I'm posting now during my break
I'm really happy cuz I spent Sunday discovering a lot of new gyaru blogs and reading again old ones, I'm so inspired now aaaa
I'm really happy to see that gyaru is still trendy in Europe, I hope to see again more and more gyarus and their lovely outfits~
After lurking I felt an urge to get more gyaru items obviously ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ, but I spent too much this month so I wanted to make some d.i.y. at least
I searched for some pics of old MA*RS jewelry, I loved how sparkly and flashy they used to be 
Then I found those jewelry on Anji's blog:
I love the idea of loops earrings with decorative pendants! And look how particular is the necklace!
I decided I need them, and since I have a box full of jewelry parts and deco I decided to make a parure by myself ~

But first I had to get more pearls and ended up buying too much as usual... 
Wings deco will become a pair of hairclips~ and look at those earrings!
They remind me a lot of Galeo style, if I get to find some golden small plumeria I'll probably deco them
By the way here's what I used for my new Agejo parure:
And here's the result! 
Ok I cheated and I used an old Yumetenbo hairbow I had as pendant for the necklace cuz the rose ribbon pendant was still drying lol, but look I also made a pom pom scrunchie! I want to make more of them, they're so cuteeee! I used Violet's tutorial~
I'm already thinking of using the tiny rose pendant as earrings but I'll see
And I made purple pom pom earrings for my KDA All Out Evelynn cosplay! 

AGEJO Earrings Tutorial

1. Cut 4 pieces of ribbon 8 cm long
2. Glue the edges together like in picture
3. Glue in the middle and pinch
4. On the back, place 2 small dot of glue
leaving a space between and pinch like in picture
5. Make four pieces and let them dry
6. Glue the pieces together like in picture
7. Glue everything in position
7. Glue a small piece of ribbon on the back to block the loop earring
8. Let everything dry and you're done! 



I'm not posting the necklace tutorial cuz I want to improve the model before but if you want to see it too let me know!
Before trying them obviously I had to get dressed and I took the chance to dye again my hairtips in pink
Alien with no eyebrows
Final result~

Sweater, belt: MA*RS - Accessories: made by me - Flats: dreamV

Actually I like how this parure came out! It really gives me MA*RS vibes~
After the dye sadly I got a bad headache so I just cooked some cookies and watched a show on Netflix until I went to sleep
I watched Mob Psycho 100! It's more interesting and fun than I thought, I'll probably finish it  
Ok I'll go back to work now 
See you soon ~


5 commenti:

  1. Omg YESSSSS another gal blogger to follow*0*!!!! I'm so happy! And your blog is so cute too!! I'm really glad your blogging again<3
    And the diy is absolutely adorable everything is so ma*rs! love it!!
    Love your outfit too*_* ok that's it I'm done being a fangirl
    I'll be waiting for more posts<3

    1. OMG I can't believe you're actually reading my bloggg T_____T agdhgda my fangirl dream is reality, now I can die happy ;_; you're my best inspo ;_____; thank you for liking my post and outfit ;; I'm so happy now aaaaaa

  2. I feel the same way! I love seeing how active gyaru blogging is again, it's so inspiring! I love love love ma*rs jewellery and had my eye out for those rose bow earrings, I didn't even think about making them, I'm going to have to follow your tutorial and make some of my own now.

    1. I'm glad you liked my diys! Actually I never thought about making them too before, but after studying the pictures I thought they weren't so difficult to make (obviously they won't be perfect like the originals but still) so I tried (and probably I'll do more)
      It just reminds me of that GALS! manga chapter where the girls were making their own accessories to save money and Ran ragequits everything XDDDDD I hope I will never ragequit, I'm not a girl who loves to do tiny details with a lot of patience, I'm surprised I made all those accessories XDDDD thanks for reading btw <3

  3. I miss old MA*RS too ;_; It was super pretty and OTT! I love your DIY! They came out really well~
    So glad you're back into blogging! I'm really happy with all of the gals blogging new and ones coming back ♥
